Lauren Neeson
I served in the Armed Forces for seven years, three of which as a PT. Once my time in the military had come to an end, I realised I wanted to share my experience of fitness, health and exercise to those who want to better their lifestyle!
Nine years ago, I was overweight and unhappy. I knew something had to change! After failing at FAD diets and exercise regimes, I made small easy to follow lifestyle changes, making sure I was having fun whilst doing it! I understand that motivating yourself is never easy, but together with a tailored programme we will transform you into a motivated and determined individual, with the focus to achieve all your goals!
I don’t believe any workout or diet should be unenjoyable, your programme will be personalised around you to be fun in the gym and yummy in the kitchen!
Instagram - laurenneesonPT
Specialist Areas
- Bespoke plan
- Muscle tone and development
- Persistent motivation
- Certified level 3 - Personal Trainer
- Certified level 2 - Gym Instructor
- Pre and Post Natal Certified