Kyle Tomlinson
“A goal without a plan is just a wish”
Hi, I’m Kyle, I’m new to the PureGym team and I’m here to help you plan and achieve all your fitness goals whatever they may be. I pride myself on researching new skills so that I can find the most appropriate and effective workouts for your aim. Whether you are aiming to lose weight, tone up, bulk or increase stamina I will provide you with the tools and motivation needed to get you where you want to be.
I have always been a guy who has loved weights in the gym and for years have had great results while using these but I have recently fallen in love with kettlebells.
So if you have a goal in mind and would like a plan and some extra motivation to help you get there contact me and I can help.
Specialist Areas
- Body confidence
- Body fat reduction
- Muscle tone and development
- Weight loss
- Level 3 Personal Trainer
- Level 2 fitness instructor
- Kettlebell instructor
- First aid trained