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Ella Brickman

Hey, I’m Ella. I’m a highly motivated Personal Trainer and have a huge passion for fitness. My goal is to teach you not only the physical benefits of exercise but the psychological ones too.

Whether your goal is fat loss, building muscle or just to get in better shape, I’m here to help. Ever struggle to find the motivation to come to the gym? Ever get tired of spending hours training at the gym and going on countless diets to try and lose that extra bit of weight and tone up? With my knowledge and skills, I will help you to make your workouts more effective. Throughout my own personal fitness journey, I have learnt the importance of mind to muscle connection and the massive difference it can make.

My aim is also to make sure you look forward to your sessions. I will constantly change your training program to ensure you are excited for your next training session and never know what the next session will entail and always push you to your limit so you can achieve maximum results.

With nutritional guidance and the right training programme I can help you to achieve your goals and start feeling better both mentally and physically.

I’m extremely friendly so feel free to come and have a chat if you see me in the gym or alternatively just pop me a message or email and I would be more than happy to speak to you.

Specialist Areas

  • Body confidence
  • Body fat reduction
  • Muscle tone and development
  • Weight loss


  • Level 2 Fitness Instructor
  • Level 3 Personal Trainer
  • Emergency First Aid at Work